Wednesday, June 20, 2012

“Backslider’s Wine” – Petra style

Oleander - Outer Siq *
I admit that there was a strong impulse to tell you that today’s photos show documentation of all the positive improvements that have evolved with our efforts here, and then have no photos. But, I don’t want to short-change you (the reader) or Petra’s efforts. Fact is: there has been a lot of change, just not what we’d consider positive. There is a lot of chaos in the region, and “Local Authority” (governments) are treading lightly due to "Arab Spring." Folks want a bigger part-of-the-economic-action for the future; 70% of the Jordanian population is under 27-years old (more about that at another time). The end result is not beneficial for the visitor experience, or resource protection, at present. Can you say: degradation? 
However, the new VC is to be opened by the end-of-year or early next (Inshallah), and the park is developing a visitor questionnaire/survey (it is our experience these don’t result in much, but provide the appearance of engaged management). Petra Archaeological Park and Wadi Rum Protected Area are working towards sending Rangers to the International Ranger Federation’s World Congress in Tanzania this November. SAR & GIS training is proceeding here at Petra, with some WRPA folks in attendance for SAR. Park management still seeks, and benefits from, our professional observations: over a century of combined experience by the 3 of us. I constantly am reminding myself: one small step at a time…”  Do you remember the Ranger Kits that were brought over and donated to PAP a little over a year ago? They included digital cameras, binoculars and first aid kits. We asked about there present status because none of the field Rangers (or supervisors) have seen them, and were told that HQ folks use them to document compliance issues. Me wonders about follow-up… Folks: have a great one…
Phil Young*

Michael Murphey song “Backslider’s Wine” performed by Gary Stewart:

*- photos by Bruce McKeeman

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